Customer Testimonials

Thank You PC Palace
I would like to thank PC Palace for going out of the way to deliver my son's gaming pc in time for his birthday on very short notice.
Emile Currie, Pretoria
Quick Quote
Fantastic idea that works really well. Great timesaver.
Bart, Midrand
Super Fast Delivery
Thank you PC Palace Fast Delivery. I ordered an ink cartridge at 4:00 received my order the next morning.
Marcella Dorman,
I hereby confirm that PC PALACE has delivered goods, services and solutions to UNIV OF JOHANNESBURG for the last 19 years and that the goods, services and solutions were delivered and implemented in a remarkable manner. They delivered goods in excess of R30 m during the last 7 years. I would recommend PC PALACE to anybody looking for performance products, professional services and complete customer satisfaction.
Casper van Heerden Supervisor Procurement, UNIV OF JOHANNESBURG
Best Online Help
Best online help Team. Very knowledgeable on notebooks.
Eric, Centurion